If you want to use the Gtag tracking plugin, you need to follow a few steps. First, you need to disable Google Tag Manager UA4 Tracking and other Analytics tracking plugins. Our plugin works with Gtag Tracking and is not compatible with other tracking plugins.

If the Tag Manager is used, we recommend running it in parallel if you want to track your own events that are not included in our plugin. Otherwise, we recommend deactivating the Tag Manager.

Simply enter the Mess ID for GA4 in our plugin configuration and tracking will be done through it. Our plugin has been tested with the standard Shopware Consent Manager. 

After installing our plugin, you should clear all caches and reload the frontend & backend. (Shift + Reload)

Optional feature "Set up advanced conversions
Activate option in plugin
Set up Google AdWords according to these instructions (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/9888145). Use "General website tag" as the tag type and select the "Edit code" option during setup.

Optout link for Google Analytics
Our plugin supports an optout link with which users can deactivate the tracking via Google Analytics in your shop. To activate the optout link, please include the following HTML code on any page of your shop (e.g. in the privacy policy): Deactivate Google Analytics

Explanation of the configuration fields:

Google Analytics Property ID: In this setting you need to store your UA / GA4 Property ID. You can find this in your Google Analytics account under All website data, and then an ID with "G-" or "UA-" should be displayed.

Respect Do-Not headerThe Do Not Track Header (DNT) is an HTTP header field that sends a website or web application the message that it will not analyse user activity on a personal basis.

Active: The setting to enable/disable the plugin.

Currency: The currency code according to ISO 4217 must be inserted here. (Ex. EUR)

Google AdWords IDTo find out the AdWords ID, you need to create a new conversion code snippet (Google Ads). This should contain the Google AdWords ID. (Ex. AW-123456789 ) Where can I find the Conversion ID / Google AdWords ID?

Google Conversion ID/Conversion LabelIn this field, the conversion ID and the conversion label must be entered in the correct format. (Bsp. AW-123456789/ABCDEF-123). You will also find the label when creating the conversions in Google Analytics or Google Ads (snippet).

Enable advanced conversion dataEnhanced Conversions allows conversions to be captured more accurately, providing powerful bidding options. This function complements the existing conversion tags. More information: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/9888656?hl=de

Enable Google Analytics Optout CookiesBy opting out, the user can stop the storage of data. Information is now no longer stored in cookies and is no longer used for the purpose of online behavioural advertising.

Anonymise Google Analytics IP address: With this configuration option, you have the option of anonymising the IP addresses that are transmitted to Google Analytics.

Sets the key that represents the feed typeFeed type which is transmitted, in shops the type can remain set to "retail".

If necessary, check that your cookie content manager is running correctly. Configure the settings so that the cookies are played in the frontend. You can then test with a third-party tool (If you use Chrome, then we recommend "Cookie Tab Viewer". Alternatively, you can also do this in the Developer console of your browser test.) whether the cookies of our plugin are set or not. 
To ensure tracking, also check whether events are fired or not. For this you can use the Tagassistant from Google use. Enter the URL of your domain and make sure that you have switched off the AdBlocker in advance.

Parallel tracking is not supported by our plugin because the event behaviour is unpredictable. It is possible that the triggered events overwrite each other and you therefore see deviations in the key figures. We recommend that you test our plug-in independently to rule out overwriting of the events.

To change the Google Property, you need the 10-digit Google Tag, which starts with G-. You get this in Google Analytics when you create the GA4 Property. You enter this in the input field "Google Analytics Property ID" in the plugin configuration. (Determine Google Tag ID)

Are you possibly using a custom theme, adblocker or custom consent manager? This could block the GA4 events and thus prevent tracking.

Please use the following tool to check whether events are fired at all. Google Tag Assistant
If your agency cannot support you in making the necessary adjustments, you are welcome to contact us. (Contact form)

If our plugin is installed and Analytics does not report a connection, it is possible that other Google Analytics plugins are active. Please make sure that only one Google Analytics plugin is active.

In order to insert the Google Conversion Label into the plugin and record conversions in Google Ads, the Conversion Label must be entered into the configuration field "Google Conversion ID".

Note the formatting: Conversion ID/Conversion Label.

If you point to the blue question mark next to the field, you will see the required formatting. After you have entered the conversion label correctly, your conversions should be recorded again.

Yes, the anonymisation of IP addresses is activated by default and can be configured if desired.

The licence from Shopware 5 cannot be transferred to Shopware 6. However, if you start the migration assistant in your Shopware account, you can purchase the new plugin licence at a reduced price. (as of March 2024)

Please deactivate other analytics tracking methods such as GA4, UA and GTM, as our plugin is not compatible with them.

Our extension supports the following tools:

  • Shopware Cookie Consent
  • Cookie Bot
  • CookieFirst
  • UserCentrics
  • CCM19 (Cookie Consent Tool)
  • CMP (Consent Management Provider)

When you create a new conversion action (Google Ads Account / Tools and Settings (menu) / Conversion ), you can choose between three different configuration options in the 2nd configuration step. ("Set up with a Google tag", "Send instructions to webmaster by email", "Use Google Tag Manager").

Here, select the first option "Set up with a Google tag". A code snippet will now appear from which you can take the required IDs.